Faith Foundations Course Fall 2024

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Wednesday September 11th-November 20th 6pm-7pm

Faith Foundations Course with Rev. Valerie Miller-Coleman 


‘I thought I knew what I believed about God but after this year, I’m not so sure.’  

‘Why would a loving God permit my world to fall apart like this?’  

‘The Bible scares me sometimes. Does that mean I’m not a real Christian?’ 

‘Jesus lived a long time ago.  What could he teach me that’s relevant now?’


Questions like these are on a lot of people’s minds.  I hear them all the time.  What always surprises me is how often the people asking them think they’re alone.  Trust me, if you have real questions about Christian life and practice you are in excellent company.  Smart people ask questions.  Sometimes we come to doubt the assumptions we’ve held for a long time. 


That’s why we’re launching this community of learning at Plymouth this fall. 

Faith Foundations is a ten week experience for people seeking a deeper grounding in Christian faith and practice.  Over fifteen sessions, including an overnight retreat, participants will be invited to encounter God in ways that challenge the mind, restore the soul, and draw us closer to one another.  


Requirements for participation:

1. A desire to grow in love of God and neighbor.   

2. Commitment to attend Wednesday evening sessions from 9/11 – 11/20. 

3. Commitment to weekly worship attendance for the duration of the course. 

4. Participation in a retreat on October 4-5.



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