Covenant Group Signup
Please fill out this form and click submit.
We're so glad you're interested in Covenant Groups! Most of these groups meet every two weeks, on a day/time that is convenient for you. We will do our best to fit everyone into a group based on scheduling and preferences.
This address will receive a confirmation email
What days of the week work best for you to gather? (Please select all that work--we do not currently offer groups on every day but may be able to, depending on sign-ups.)
Please select all that apply.
Mondays (we currently have groups meeting on this day)
Wednesdays (we currently have groups meeting on this day)
Sundays (we currently have groups meeting on this day)
What times of day are best?
Please select all that apply.
Early morning
Late morning/Lunchtime
Evening (most groups meet in the evening)
Do you want to meet in person or on Zoom?
Please select one option.
I would like to meet with my group in person.
I would like to meet on Zoom, either because of safety or covenience.
I am fine with either.
If you have a spouse or partner, please select an option.
Please select one option.
I would like to be in a Covenant group with my partner/spouse.
My partner and I would like to be in separate covenant groups.
My partner is not planning to join a Covenant Group.
Is there anything else we should know?
Please fill out this form and click submit.
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